Tag Archives: Best Loan Rates in Silicon Valley

BAY AREA PINCH $1 million ‘average’ homes? Let’s talk!

Voracious demand driving record sales in ‘mansion’ bracket.

Courtesy San Jose Mercury News by Steve Johnson and Pete Carey

There was a time when a million-dollar home was something families drove by on a Sunday outing to get a glimpse of how rich folks lived. But now they’re more common than Starbucks, at least around here.

Fueled by the booming tech economy and seemingly insatiable demand for housing, the Bay Area set records in the second quarter of this year in the number of homes sold for $1 million or more as well as those costing at least $2 million, a real estate information service said Thursday.

CLICK HERE for the full San Jose Mercury news article.

Mortgage Rates May 9_2014 in Silicon Valley

Courtesy Tony Guaraldi, VP of Mortgage Lending Guaranteed Rate Mortgage

CLICK HERE for the current Friday Mortgage Rate Sheet effective May 9, 2014.

As we had hoped Bonds continued to climb for most of the week.  As you can see from the below Bond prices are at their peak for 2014 which means rates are among the best available this year so far.  Continue reading